Use the Serenity Prayer as Your Compass

Were you in Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts when you were young? If you were, you probably remember the motto, “Be prepared.” Being prepared was vital, whether tying knots, building fires, or navigating the wilderness. 

If you ever got lost in the woods, the best thing you learned in Scouts was compass skills. In a bind, you’d pull out that amazing direction finder, its needle pointing true north. That trusty tool helped you find your way, no matter the twists and turns of the trail ahead.

 Even if you weren’t in Scouts, but want to "be prepared" like them, I have a trusty compass that you can carry around in your back pocket every day — The Serenity Prayer. It will guide you through life, no matter how confusing or challenging your travels or surroundings. 

Just as a compass helps you find your way when you’re hiking, the Serenity Prayer can help you navigate life's twists and turns. Let's take a closer look at how:

·      "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."

This is like accepting that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. You can't change it, so why fight it? Instead, focus on what you can control.

·      "... the courage to change the things I can..."

This is where you grab your hiking boots and start climbing that mountain. It's about taking action, making choices, and creating positive changes—big or small—in the things you can control.

·      "...and the wisdom to know the difference."

This is where your compass comes in handy. It helps you distinguish between the fixed points on your map (things you can't change) and the paths you can take  (things you can change).

So, the next time you feel lost or overwhelmed, remember the Scouts’ motto: Be Prepared. Use the Serenity Prayer as your spiritual compass to guide you, and you'll never be lost!


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