Sometimes you just have to never mind

When someone tells you to “never mind,” do you do it? It usually happens when another person decides not to tell you about or ask you to act on something. With that phrase, you are given permission to ignore or forget about it. Even if others are not asking us to “never mind,” we should tell ourselves that more often.

To mind something means to care for it, watch over it, or keep hold of it. Others often want us to mind their concerns, opinions, woes, or beliefs. Yet that doesn’t always benefit them or us. 

So how can we decide whether to “mind” something or “never mind” it? Ask yourselves these questions to find out:


  • How important is it? Consider whether keeping things wrapped in your care or concern is helpful. If not, then by minding it, you’re holding it hostage. But by never minding, you set it free before it can keep you hostage. This also helps shift your focus in life to more vital priorities.


  • Can you change or control the problem or situation? There is little in our lives we have the power to do that. Yet, by minding things where we don’t have this power, we keep all that comes with that. If we mind the pain, we keep it. If we mind the insult, we keep it. Whatever we mind is ours to keep. If you can’t change something, remind yourself to never mind. Then use your energy for what you can change.


  • Can you let go of what others have given you to mind? No? Why? Are you afraid that releasing what someone has given you will dishonor them? Are you concerned they’ll think you’re giving them the brush-off? On the contrary, taking a “never mind” stance is a way of honoring yourself and standing firm in who you are.


Today, consider all that you are minding. If it’s keeping you up at night or causing a traffic jam of thoughts in your head, then never mind. It’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself and others.


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